
上週末剛結束的二月份 monthly seminar 開啟了關於寫作能力的討論,我印象中聽到 Guan-Horng 說(萬一有誤請指正):

PhD 的成績是研究能力與寫作能力的綜合

我對這句話很有共鳴,我覺得對於 software developers 而言,成績很多也是取自於寫作能力,(甚至可以廣義的說軟體寫作也是種寫作能力)。



我最近滿喜歡的一個資源是 Writing for Developers,裡面有很多關於寫 technical documents 的建議。如果有興趣閱讀的話,我推薦從瞭解一個寫作的框架開始:


Probably not super relevant, but I will share my two cents.

I started using Grammarly (a plugin to correct your grammar, wording, and sentence organization) last year, and it has helped me vastly with my working documents and emails. It’s a quick way to discover what mistakes you usually make.


I second the choice to use Grammarly. I, too, use Grammarly to help any serious writing to a) avoid obvious grammar mistakes and b) improve clarity in my writings. I usually run my technical writings through Grammarly before publishing them on the Internet.


Strunk and White, The Elements of Style, is a classic book on how to write clearly and concisely. I recommend it to everyone.

An early edition is currently free on Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Style-William-Strunk-ebook/dp/B005IT0V8O/ref=sr_1_1?crid=25VE546YVE1F9&dchild=1&keywords=strunk+and+white&qid=1586298281&s=digital-text&sprefix=strunk%2Cdigital-text%2C186&sr=1-1


Thanks for the recommendation! Just bought it on Amazon!
BTW, not sure if it’s because of a promotion, the Kindle version is free at the moment.